Starting from March 2011, Ted Saito Sensei, who is our association’s Director and who first introduced Shiatsu therapy to Canada 40 years ago, is hosting a series of 10 teachings throughout this year, called ‘Practice Days.’

1Sunday, March 27, 2011
2Sunday, April 17, 2011
3Sunday, May 15, 2011
4Sunday, June 19, 2011

Time: 1pm to 4pm

Location: Shiatsu Center (720 Bathurst St. suite 502)

Fee: Free of charge

The classes are open to everyone who is interested in studying, or deepening their understanding of Shinso Shiatsu. Saito sensei will highlight and demonstrate various aspects of his system, answer questions and repeat material if necessary. It is an opportunity to bring up problem cases and study them together, in order to get input and supervision, as well as the occasional treatment from colleagues. Please contact Ms. Heike Raschl at [email protected] or 416-516-6442 for more information.